Support for Veterans by Veterans.
After release from the military, many Veterans have problems communicating with friends and loved ones because we have experienced so much that civilians can’t understand.
One of the pitfalls of returning to civilian life is the feeling that we are alone, and that no one understands what we are going through. It can be very isolating, especially for those of us who are living with anxiety, depression, PTSD or a combination thereof.
The Veterans Alliance of Canada holds weekly Peer Support groups for our members at our offices. These informal evening get-togethers allow like-minded individuals to share a meal and talk about anything we wish to discuss. Peer support allows Veterans to speak freely with others who’ve been through similar experiences.
Most importantly, meeting up with other Veterans gives us the camaraderie that we lack in the civilian world. These meetings are sometimes held in other venues to allow everyone a chance to get back out into society and have fun doing things like bowling and axe-throwing, to name a few.
Contact us about getting the support you need.